Weekly Tarot Forecast: Nine of Pentacles

Forecast for 19 September - 25 September 2022

Post and Photo by Briony Silver

The auspicious Nine of Pentacles is our card this week, bringing with it the energies of abundance, success, and security. In the classic Rider-Waite-Smith tarot deck, the card’s artwork depicts a woman, clad in exquisite clothing, enjoying the spoils of her lush garden and surrounded by golden pentacles.

This is an especially fortuitous card to follow last week, when we were visited by the Knight of Pentacles. The Knight of Pentacles encouraged us to move beyond just planning, and to take direct and purposeful action toward achieving the goals we have have set forth for ourselves; now, the Nine of Pentacles shows us that we are indeed on the right track. Wherever you are on your individual journey, the Nine of Pentacles asks you to take a step back, take stock of how far you’ve come, and celebrate your successes - no matter how small. This is an ideal moment to pause and reflect before pressing onward.

Proceed with Confidence

If you rose to the challenge of the Knight of Pentacles last week, chances are that you have created - and acted upon - a roadmap or plan of action to help you achieve your goals. Whatever your next steps are (even if they are just to get started!), take them with confidence. After all, confidence is another positive energy associated with the Nine of Pentacles, and sometimes making your moves with determination and tenacity is half the battle.

One small caveat - because our card this week is a nine, it indicates that we’re not quite at the finish line of this cycle or endeavour yet. This card lets us know that we’re doing the right things and are well on our way to achieving our goal(s), but that there is a little more work to be done yet. Take heart, knowing that your efforts are paying off in a big and tangible way, and harness this burst of positivity as you redouble your efforts to manifest the future that you desire!

Wishing you all an abundant week, Witches!


About Briony: Briony Silver is an eclectic witch based in the Pacific Northwest. True to her Sagittarius moon, you’ll rarely find her working on just one project at a time; she is the creator and host of the Worldwide Witchery Podcast, shares book and deck highlights on her blog, and loves capturing the beauty of everyday magick in photos! Connect with her on Instagram at @briony.silver or at www.brionysilver.com.


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Weekly Tarot Forecast: Knight of Pentacles