Completed articles must fulfill the following requirements:

Word count
We aim to publish articles between 700 – 1,000 words. Long articles must be broken into headed sections for ease of reading.

All articles must be reader focused, we want to motivate, encourage and help the audience. No first-person articles unless previously agreed.

Original Content
Your article needs to be 100% unique. We check every submission with Copyscape and Grammarly. So, let us know if your content has been posted on another site so we can work around this.

All photos must be at a 4:3 aspect ratio and a minimum of 300dpi. Furthermore you need the right to use the images. If you submit a photo, send it to us as an attachment and not in the email or in the blog post.

Author Bio
Your bio should be 3 to 4 sentences long and written in third-person. Please include your social media links.

Religions are capitalized: Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism, Paganism, Satanism, Thelema, Wicca.

Herbs with nouns (St. John’s wort) etc.

Practices are not capitalized: witches, witchcraft, witch, astrology, ceremonial magick, chaos magick, kitchen magick, hermeticism, kabbalah, meditation, yoga, common name herbs (lavender, rose), crystals (quartz, amethyst) etc.

Websites – use
Book, film, television, and album titles should be italicized.

Titles for poem titles, chapters, episodes, and songs should be enclosed within quotation marks.

We utilize the Oxford comma.

Email – no hyphen.
Witchology Magazine utilizes American English grammar. “&” must be replaced with “and”.

When referencing another’s work, whether a book or website please cite the source as appropriate.

If you claim something, make sure to have a link to a reputable source which supports your claims.