Weekly Tarot Forecast: Knight of Pentacles

Forecast for 12 September - 18 September 2022

Post by Benjamin Blak / Photo by Briony Silver

This week we are joined by the Knight of Pentacles! Throughout the Tarot, each card represents an archetype that is present within us, and for the week ahead, we are being called to draw our attention to our inner Knight of Pentacles. The Knight of Pentacles represents determination, dedication and patience. Following on from last week’s card - the Ace of Swords - which encouraged us to listen to new ideas and perspectives, this week is all about how we turn those thoughts into action and the journey that unfolds by bringing our plans to fruition! 

While inspiration and ideas are always the starting point for our journey, they only act as a launching pad to move us forward into our bigger quest. Real change can only be found in the action we take upon our ideas, and the Knight of Pentacles is a reminder of this. The knights in Tarot always call us to action, but the Knight of Pentacles is a knight that requires patience alongside it. It calls to your ability to take action, but also the determination and dedication it takes to stay the course.

Patience as a Virtue

Right now, we are being asked to show up for ourselves - even when the initial surge of motivation and inspiration has passed. The Knight of Pentacles offers great rewards, as long as we can stay committed to the task at hand and keep on keeping on. He encourages us to make an action plan and to stick to it. We are being called to do the necessary grunt work to lay the foundations for the harvest we will receive later. There is no immediate payoff with the Knight of Pentacles, but what he does offer us is an opportunity to metaphorically plow the field, so we can sow the seeds, watch them grow, and eventually harvest.

This week, planning would be a great way to utilise your energy! Think about any new ideas that came to you last week and the ways in which you could activate those thoughts. This week is all about furthering those thoughts and taking the next step of bringing them into the physical world. Contemplate what you need to do to move forward your desires, and take the necessary step(s) forward toward achieving them.

Wishing you the most grounded and practical week!

All the love, B xo 

About Benjamin: Benjamin Blak is a Tarot Reader and Witch from southwest England. He is dedicated to facilitating self-empowerment through the art of self-love and shadow work. Through his work with Tarot, he helps people to make sense of their journey so they can heal from their past and take actionable steps towards their future - unlocking the power and potential within. You can find out more about Benjamin Blak and his work at www.benjaminblak.com.


Weekly Tarot Forecast: Nine of Pentacles


Weekly Tarot Forecast: Ace of Swords