Embrace the Sun’s Return

Imbolc sits squarely between midwinter and the start of summer. For those of us who struggle with the cold, dark season, Imbolc marks the home stretch. We’re not quite there, but summer is in sight.

You can perform this ritual at Imbolc, ideally a little before or at noon. If you’re busy that day though, it also works on any sunny winter's day, or on a literal Sunday. You’ll need anywhere from half an hour or longer uninterrupted. You also need access to sunlight, but inside near a window is fine.

Begin by picking an item to represent the sun, like a citrine crystal, dried orange slice, or Yule ball filled with glitter and marigolds. You can wear it on you for a personal mood boost, or hang it in the home to create a more sunny atmosphere, so choose accordingly. You also need something to organise your thoughts, so bring a journal, voice recorder, or mood board—we’ll refer to it as journaling moving forward.

Take a moment to breathe deeply and relax your body. Prepare yourself to look at the past winter and yourself without judgement. Journal about the winter. How did you affect the world and the people around you? How did circumstances or other people affect you? How did you feel? Emotions are as valid as actions here — if you felt sad for no other reason than you felt sad, journal about it.

Next, address all the things you don’t want to bring with you into the summer. Is there anything you could learn from it—should you go low contact with that family member, or find more patience when dealing with your kids? Then let them go. Whether you do so kindly (“thank you, I don’t need you anymore”) or forcefully (“B*, out with you”) is completely up to you.

Finally, gather all the good memories. Let them flow over and through you. Let them fill your heart with light and warmth, and visualise that warmth going into your sun symbol. As your little sun fills, it calls out to the sun in the sky—and it answers to lend its own warmth and light. This warmth and light, like love, amplifies itself until it becomes infinite. Keep going until your sun symbol is positively bursting.

As the ritual ends, thank the sun (the one in the sky) and your memories for bringing light to the last months of winter. Carry your sun symbol on you, or hang it in your home, and bathe in its warm light whenever you need it.

Steffie de Vaan (she/her) is a Dutch intuitive witch. She loves cheap and easy witchcraft without cultural appropriation. Follow her on instagram @muse_of_midnight


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